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Mercedes G-Class

All the facts for car dealers
The Mercedes G-Class is undoubtedly one of the best-known models from the renowned German car manufacturer. Its impressive career, the various models and its position on the used car market fascinate car dealers and enthusiasts alike. With its outstanding quality, powerful design and first-class performance, it has firmly established its place in the automotive world. As part of an in-depth market analysis, we take an in-depth look at the history of the Mercedes G-Class, its various models and its role in the used car market - and the opportunities that arise for dealers and car dealerships to add this exceptional vehicle to their inventory and manage it efficiently. We will take a detailed look at the special features of the G-Class and how you as a professional can benefit from the opportunities it presents.
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Used car market analysis of the Mercedes G-Class

Market position of the Mercedes G-Class

The Mercedes G-Class has made a name for itself on the car market thanks to its high recognition value and strong brand presence. Its rugged and unique character combined with a luxurious interior appeals to a wide target group, from outdoor enthusiasts to celebrities and business executives. This steady demand helps the G-Class hold a strong position in the used car market and tends to hold its value well over time.

ROI analysis for used car dealers

Due to the sales strength and popularity of the G-Class, used car dealers are often interested in adding these models to their inventory. The potentially high resale value of the G-Class can help to achieve attractive returns. It should be noted, however, that the level of demand from buyers can be correspondingly high, which can be reflected in the need to carry out extensive inspections and maintenance work. Nevertheless, the resale value and continued high demand can often justify these costs.

Known problems with individual series

Although the Mercedes G-Class is generally considered to be robust and reliable, there are still some known problems that can be associated with certain model series. These include, for example, electrical failures in some older models or problems with the suspension. It is important that potential buyers and dealers are aware that older G-Class models can have complex and costly maintenance requirements. Nevertheless, the overall high quality and popularity of the G-Class on the market are factors that can still lead to a profitable resale strategy if appropriate investment is made in maintenance and care.

All models of the Mercedes G-Class

The G-Class from Mercedes has stood for robust technology and luxurious off-road driving for years. Since its launch, it has made the hearts of off-road enthusiasts and fans of high-riding luxury cars beat faster.

Mercedes-AMG G 63

The G 63 from AMG, which made its debut in 2018, is undoubtedly one of the most impressive versions of the G-Class. With its 4.0-liter V8 engine, which reaches an output of 585 hp, it offers exceptional driving performance and maneuvers with ease even through difficult terrain. The combination of luxury and performance also makes it one of the more expensive models in the range.

Mercedes-Benz G 350

The G 350 made its debut in 2017 and its powerful 3.0-liter V6 diesel engine, which delivers around 245 hp, shows its robust yet powerful side. For critics, however, there is one small disadvantage: the less sophisticated interior design compared to the other models in this series.

Mercedes-Benz G 550

The G 550 is the G-Class model from 2016 and, thanks to its 4.0-liter V8 engine with around 422 hp, brings power and performance to the road and off-road. Unlike the G 350, it comes with a particularly luxurious interior, which justifies the high price.

Mercedes-Benz G 65

The G 65 is a special model that was introduced in 2012. With its 6.0-liter V12 engine, which produces an incredible 612 hp, it attracts everyone's attention. Despite its enormous strengths, it is rarely encountered in practice due to its incredibly high fuel consumption and very high purchase price. This list shows that the Mercedes G-Class offers a wide range of models and therefore potential options for buyers. Each individual model has been designed with special features that make it unique. The range extends from robust off-road vehicles to true luxury cars. However, there is always one thing to bear in mind: With the exception of the basic models, most G-Class models tend to be in the higher price segment.

History of the Mercedes G-Class

When we talk about the history of the distinctive G-Class from Mercedes, it is important to go back to the very beginning. This model, which is without question one of the icons of automotive history, has undergone an impressive development.

The founding era

The origins of the G-Class date back to 1979. Back then, Mercedes-Benz decided to launch a fully off-road capable vehicle on the market that could cope with both civilian life and military requirements. The G-Class, which actually means "off-road vehicle", was born.

further development and progress

Over the course of time, the G-Class has undergone an impressive evolution without losing its off-road character. While the early models had a rather spartan and simple interior, the G-Class became more luxurious and technically advanced with each model change. Although it retained its off-road capabilities, it increasingly appealed to car enthusiasts who did not necessarily intend to leave the asphalt.

The modern G-Class

Nowadays, the G-Class has become a true status symbol. This is partly due to its unmistakable design and partly due to the fact that Mercedes-Benz has continued to stop at nothing to keep this legend at the cutting edge of technology. With its powerful engines, luxurious interiors and the latest safety technologies, it has left its competitors far behind. The G-Class has therefore undergone a remarkable journey from original workhorse to luxury off-roader. However, it remains authentic in all its facets and, given its popularity and demand, is in the process of setting milestones. It is this unique combination of history, robustness and luxury that gives the Mercedes-Benz G-Class its unmistakable character. It is therefore not surprising that this vehicle is also in great demand in the global car dealership industry.

Collection of the Mercedes G-Class

As a used car dealer in the high-price segment, you are always on the lookout for new opportunities to buy luxury vehicles such as the Mercedes G-Class. That's why a variety of purchase sources, such as trade-ins, lease returns or finance returns, are of central importance.

Buy Mercedes G-Class on the used car market

Used car exchanges are a particularly effective method of buying used Mercedes G-Class models. One of the major advantages here is that both B2C and B2B exchanges exist. Experience has shown that transactions via B2B exchanges are often faster and smoother, as trading takes place with business partners who are also experts in the car trade. This effectively minimizes misunderstandings and errors, which leads to faster and trouble-free processing overall.

Why you should buy the Mercedes G-Class online

But it's not just the speed and smoothness of the process that make online shopping so appealing. In Europe, there are also great opportunities to make high profits through so-called arbitrage transactions. Arbitrage can basically be described as buying a product in one market and immediately selling it in another at a higher price. In the context of buying a car, this means that you buy a vehicle such as the Mercedes G-Class in a country where the price is low and then sell it in a country with higher prices. As a dealer, you should not ignore this opportunity.

How CarOnSale helps with the import/export of used Mercedes G-Class cars

Nevertheless, there are a few hurdles to overcome when importing and exporting cars. In some European countries, such as the Netherlands, Austria or Denmark, there is a luxury tax on cars. This is where CarOnSale comes in. The platform offers you support with the import and export process, including the refund of the tax in compliance with the legal requirements. This means you can concentrate fully on your business and do not have to spend valuable time on administrative work. All in all, importing the Mercedes G-Class via online channels offers numerous advantages - from fast processing and high profit opportunities to support with tax issues. As a dealer, you should therefore consider this option if you want to add this special luxury car to your portfolio.
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CarOnSale as a partner when buying the Mercedes G-Class online


CarOnSale is not only an online platform for buying vehicles, but also an important partner when purchasing a Mercedes G-Class, especially if it is a used vehicle. This is where the company's strengths come into their own, as it offers its customers smooth processing and maximum transparency.

Security and trust

CarOnSale guarantees trustworthiness and security with every purchase. All Mercedes G-Class vehicles listed on the platform have the COSCheck seal. This guarantees that our own valuation experts have carefully checked the vehicle and advertised it correctly, thereby achieving the highest possible level of transparency. CarOnSale offers an additional COSCheck Plus guarantee in the event of undetected damage.

Personal customer service

A major advantage of CarOnSale is the excellent customer service. You have the option of reaching personal contacts via various channels such as telephone, WhatsApp or email. The experts are on hand to advise you throughout the entire process.

Purchase processing

All aspects of the purchase process, from payment security to document delivery, are managed by CarOnSale. Our COSPay system enables secure payment, while our customer service team can also arrange transportation of the vehicle on request. Always striving to make the buying process as convenient as possible, CarOnSale also offers assistance with possible tax refunds.

The ideal partner

In this respect, CarOnSale is the ideal partner for buying a Mercedes G-Class online. With the help of our innovative technologies and services, you can easily navigate through the process and purchase your next Mercedes G-Class vehicle with maximum confidence and minimal hurdles. The high number of positive feedbacks confirms that CarOnSale is a reliable and competent partner in the online used car market.