The CarOnSale guarantee price

No risk with trade-ins!

The CarOnSale guaranteed price already supports you when purchasing vehicles by eliminating your purchase risk through a guaranteed remarketing price of the vehicle on CarOnSale! Protect your margin as early as the purchase stage!

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1. market price inquiry

Determine the latest market prices in seconds using a market price inquiry.

The adjustable trading margin makes it possible to fix margins in the purchasing and remarketing process.
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2. warranty price request

After the market price inquiry, a guaranteed price request including damage assessment can be submitted.

You will receive a guaranteed minimum price within 20 minutes.
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3. guaranteed price protection

The offer is valid for 2 weeks.

After acceptance, you have the option of securing the guaranteed price for a period of 30, 60 or 90 days.
Known from the trade press:
Car dealership

Your benefits from the guaranteed price at a glance

  • Our experts will insure your guaranteed price within a few minutes
  • Your guaranteed price can be secured for the period of your choice
  • We will cover the costs of the guaranteed price request if the minimum price is not reached in the auction
  • As a consignor, you will receive 100% of the additional proceeds if the auction price is higher than the guaranteed price
  • As Seller you have immediate access to the amounts due to you
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