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Mercedes S-Class

All the facts for car dealers
Let's take a look at one of the finest automotive icons: the Mercedes S-Class. It stands for elegance, luxury and highly developed technology and, since its introduction, has not only had a lasting impact on the automotive world, but also on our roads. In this guide, we focus on the history of this vehicle class, look at the various models as they have changed over the decades and examine the market position and resale value of the S-Class. You will also discover the possibilities of an efficient online purchase. Look forward to an exciting journey through the world of the S-Class!
Table of contents

History of the Mercedes S-Class

A look into the past leads us to the impressive development of the Mercedes S-Class. As the flagship of Mercedes-Benz, the S-Class is a symbol of luxury, innovation and quality.

The birth of a classic

The history of the Mercedes S-Class begins in the middle of the 20th century, when Mercedes-Benz decided to redefine the standard in luxury sedans. The first generation, known as the W116, was launched in 1972 and immediately became a trendsetter with its striking design and advanced features.

Innovation and progress

From the very beginning, the S-Class set the standard for the entire automotive industry. From the introduction of the first generation to the latest models, each iteration brought with it groundbreaking technologies and features that significantly shaped the industry. The S-Class, for example, was the first vehicle with ABS (anti-lock braking system), which was fitted as standard from 1978. The introduction of the crash-test-optimized body (1981) and the electronic stability program ESP (1995) are also milestones in the history of the S-Class.

From the W126 to the W222

The S-Class has evolved steadily over the years. The W126, which was produced from 1979 to 1991, is still known to many fans as 'the S-Class'. With its iconic design and luxurious features, this model represented the pinnacle of prestige and status. The W126 was followed by other innovative and luxurious models such as the W140, W220, W221 and most recently the W222.

Today: W223 - The latest generation

Today, the latest generation, the W223, stands proudly among the S-Class models. With its sophisticated technology, avant-garde design and luxurious comfort, it continues the S-Class tradition of always being one step ahead. It presents itself as a vehicle that shows perfection in every detail and represents not only the history of the S-Class, but also its heritage and its future. The history of the Mercedes S-Class is more than just a chronicle of models and designs - it is a testament to progress, innovation and the irrepressible pursuit of perfection that defines the heart of the Mercedes-Benz brand.

All models of the Mercedes S-Class

The Mercedes S-Class is a luxury saloon series that has been on the market since the early 1970s and is still appreciated today for its continuity and innovative spirit. In the following sections, we will take a closer look at the various models in this series and list them in descending order by year of manufacture.

S-Class W223 (2020 - today)

The latest model in the S-Class line-up dates back to 2020 and bears the designation W223. It is known for its modern design and technology updates, including an extended infotainment system and hybrid engine variants. Its strengths include high driving stability and luxurious ride comfort. However, the high purchase price and expensive maintenance costs are weaknesses.

S-Class W222 (2013 - 2020)

The W222 generation of the S-Class was produced from 2013 to 2020 and was renowned for its comfort features and safety technology. The efficient diesel engine and smooth vehicle operation are particularly noteworthy. However, it is equipped with complex electronics that are prone to expensive repairs.

S-Class W221 (2005 - 2013)

The W221 version was produced from 2005 to 2013. Known for its extensive technology features, it was however criticized for its cumbersome controls and complicated technology systems. Nevertheless, customers praised the range of engine variants and the high level of driving comfort in this model.

S-Class W220 (1998 - 2005)

This model was on the market from 1998 to 2005 and was praised for its stylish design and advanced safety technology. However, the model was controversial in terms of its high susceptibility to expensive repairs, especially in the electronics.

S-Class W140 (1991 - 1998)

Created between 1991 and 1998, the W140 model is often referred to as the pinnacle of the S-Class series. It was known for its sophisticated technology and powerful engine. However, its high fuel consumption was a common criticism. Overall, the Mercedes S-Class offers a unique combination of luxury and performance. Each model has its own strengths and weaknesses, and choosing the right version depends on the individual needs and preferences of the buyer. However, it is always important to check the quality and condition of the vehicle carefully before buying. Be prepared for intensive maintenance and a tendency towards higher repair costs. However, with the right care and maintenance, an S-Class can be a worthwhile investment.

Used car market analysis of the Mercedes S-Class

Market position of the Mercedes S-Class

Synonymous with luxury, class and first-class technology, the Mercedes S-Class has established a dominant position in the used car market since its introduction. Direct from the renowned German car manufacturer, Mercedes-Benz, the S-Class offers an exclusive blend of comfort, quality and performance that has made it popular with car buyers worldwide. Despite its high purchase price, it retains its high value on the used car market and continues to be in demand.

ROI analysis for used car dealers

As a used car dealer, criteria such as price stability, quality and demand are decisive for the investment decision. The Mercedes S-Class fulfills all these criteria in an unparalleled way. It is of excellent quality, its resale value remains stable and demand is constant, making it an ideal vehicle for used car dealers' inventories. Compared to other luxury models, the ROI of the Mercedes S-Class is above average.

Known problems with individual series

Despite all its merits, no car is flawless and the Mercedes S-Class is no exception. Some model series are known for specific problems that potential buyers should be aware of. These include problems with the air suspension, rust in certain areas and electronic failures. However, it is important to mention that Mercedes is known for its excellent customer service and willingness to fix defects efficiently and professionally. A thorough check by a trusted mechanic before purchase is still recommended. Overall, the Mercedes S-Class stands out in the used car market. Its prominent position, above-average ROI for used car dealers and general popularity with car buyers secure its position as one of the preferred luxury vehicles on the used car market. The known flaws must be taken into account, but with appropriate caution and professional advice, the Mercedes-Benz S-Class can be an excellent choice.

Collection of the Mercedes S-Class

The Mercedes S-Class is an attractive proposition not only for buyers but also for used car dealers. This luxurious vehicle can be obtained from various sources such as trade-ins, lease returns and finance returns, making business more profitable and smoother.

Buy Mercedes S-Class on the used car market

Buying a Mercedes S-Class on a used car exchange is one of the most common practices in the car trade. It should be noted that there are both B2C and B2B exchanges. Exchanges that specialize in B2B sales often offer a faster and smoother transaction than those that focus on B2C sales. It is therefore advisable to be active on these specialized exchanges in order to take full advantage of efficient business processing.

Why you should buy the Mercedes S-Class online

Arbitrage transactions with cars such as the Mercedes S-Class can be a profitable source of income. The term "arbitrage" simply refers to taking advantage of price differences in different markets. Buying a car in a country where it costs less and selling it in a country with higher prices can lead to significant profits. By buying online, you can search for the most profitable offers across Europe and make the most of these arbitrage opportunities.

How CarOnSale helps with the import/export of used Mercedes S-Class cars

When trading vehicles such as the Mercedes S-Class internationally, certain tax aspects can play a role - for example, luxury tax when importing and exporting cars in Europe. Different countries such as the Netherlands, Austria and Denmark set different tax rates for import and export vehicles. CarOnSale helps you to take these tax aspects into account and to ensure that the tax is refunded to the buyer in compliance with the applicable law. By using innovative technologies, the platform enables efficient and smooth vehicle trading. CarOnSale thus facilitates the entire process of vehicle import and export by providing both legal and logistical support, contributing to the success of your business in the used car trade. Ultimately, buying the Mercedes S-Class for used car dealers offers a wide range of opportunities to make your business efficient and profitable.
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CarOnSale as a partner for the online purchase of the Mercedes S-Class

CarOnSale positions itself as more than just a used car exchange. It is a powerful and intuitive auction platform that digitally and seamlessly facilitates the entire vehicle purchasing process. The online shopping experience is particularly important for premium car brands such as the Mercedes S-Class.

Source of used Mercedes S-Class

A key feature of buying a Mercedes S-Class online at CarOnSale is the quality of the vehicles listed in the auction. The vehicles come from renowned authorized dealers, large fleets or result from leasing or financing returns. This increases confidence in the quality of the vehicles and ensures greater buyer satisfaction.

Security & trust when buying the Mercedes S-Class online

Buying a high-quality vehicle such as the Mercedes S-Class requires a high degree of trust. CarOnSale offers this trust through the COSCheck seal. Vehicles with this seal have been recorded and advertised by CarOnSale's own vehicle evaluators. This highest possible transparency and detailed vehicle exposés far beyond the industry standard ensures a risk-free online buying experience. In addition, CarOnSale offers the COSCheck Plus guarantee for a small surcharge, which covers undetected damage that occurs at short notice.

Personal contact for the online purchase of Mercedes S-Class

Another advantage of the CarOnSale service is that customers have a personal contact person available to them at all times. This person can be reached by phone, WhatsApp or email and ensures that the purchase process is handled efficiently and worry-free.

Purchase processing

CarOnSale takes care of the entire purchase process, starting with secure payment via the in-house COSPay system. Tax refund options are also taken into account, and the dispatch of documents is also taken care of. On request, transport arrangements can even be made to deliver the vehicle. The CarOnSale online platform redefines the shopping experience for used cars. With a clear focus on the sale of high-quality used cars such as the Mercedes S-Class, it offers tools that make the used car trade easier and more efficient while improving the buying experience. This is particularly important for high-end car brands where customer satisfaction is paramount.