Our new COSCheck Plus guarantee is here!

The COSCheck Plus guarantee protects you against undetected mechanical damage

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You can get the COSCheck Plus warranty for as little as 150€ 99€ .

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Costs incurred are covered by us up to 5000 euros

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You can also extend the warranty period to 7 days

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Our COSCheck Plus guarantee

Here you will find all the information about our COSCheck Plus guarantee.

What damage is covered?

- Engine damage
- Connecting rod and main bearing damage
- Gearbox damage
- Mechanical, hydraulic and electrical damage to the steering
- Compressor damage to the air conditioning system
- Damage to the battery

Detailed information on which parts are covered for which vehicle can be found in the
auction details or in the warranty conditions.

How long is the warranty valid for?

- 3 days (standard)
- 7 days (when booking the warranty extension)

How many kilometers can I drive the vehicle without invalidating the warranty?

After purchasing the warranty, you have 1000 km to check the covered components at full speed.

How much will the warranty cost me?

- COSCheck Plus guarantee: 150 euros 99 €
- Warranty extension: 75 Euro

How can I book the guarantee?

The warranty must be selected in the auction details view before purchase. Soon, the warranty can also be purchased after the purchase in the "My buyers" overview.

Why can I not purchase a warranty for some vehicles?

The COSCheck Plus warranty only applies to vehicles that have been checked by CarOnSale (COSCheck) and meet the following criteria:

- less than 200,000 km mileage
- maximum 20 years old
- no commercial vehicles
- no electric vehicles